With a change in government guidance, I can now allow more people to join me on the walks.
As before lockdown I keep the numbers to no more than 10 people. Risk assessment completed and we're good to go!
Really look forward to welcoming you back and to meet some new faces.
Just some things to reassure you....
... Walks will be planned for less busy times and places.
Avoiding particularly narrow paths.
I will Keep a record of attendants for track and trace purposes.
Contactless payments are available with PayPal.
All I ask from you....
.... Keep a social distance.
carry a face covering in case of an incident.
Do not share food, drink or walking equipment.
Allow me to open and close gates for you.
Bring along some hand sanitiser.
Please don't book on a walk if you are suffering any symptoms or have returned from abroad in the last 2 weeks.
If you are coming for a Reiki session....
Be reassured the room and therapy bed will be well sanitised.
I will wear a face covering throughout giving the treatment and will make minimal contact with you.
Hope to see you soon. Warm wishes, Jen x