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Jen Blaxall.
Nov 21, 20241 min read
Honey fungus in woodlands
Although honey fungus is devastating to its host, it adds to biodiversity, creating a dead wood habitat. It is most significant on beech...
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Jen Blaxall.
Nov 20, 20241 min read
From your head to your heart space
When we overthink a topic or a choice, we tend to struggle with our 'what if's' and 'am I worthy?' We go back and forth weighing the pros...
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Jen Blaxall.
Nov 15, 20241 min read
Homemade Irish cream recipe.
This is a really lovely Christmas gift to give to loved ones and easy to make. After all, Christmas isn't Christmas without some Irish...
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Jen Blaxall.
Nov 12, 20242 min read
Woodland to sea, a moment to just be.
I have so much gratitude for being able to spend so much time in nature and call it my job 🙏 After a walk in the autumnal woodland this...
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Jen Blaxall.
Nov 9, 20243 min read
Breaking the generational patterning.
A repeated pattern I see within my work is people trying to get approval from parents, and some have been seeking it all their lives....
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Jen Blaxall.
Nov 7, 20241 min read
A lesson from the trees
Taking a lesson from the trees, As they gently cast their autumn leaves, The golden sun lights the trodden way, On this cool and...
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Jen Blaxall.
Nov 6, 20242 min read
flamboyant colours and wild imaginings.
Most people would say it's a grey day, but my walk was bursting with colour! The woodland was so still in the letting go of autumn, apart...
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Jen Blaxall.
Nov 5, 20242 min read
The wonderful red fox.
Foxes are one of my favorite woodland animals and are now one of the few forest predators left, persecuted only by man. Foxes have...
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Jen Blaxall.
Nov 2, 20241 min read
Appreciating the ancient trees of the New Forest
There is often disapproval from others about me taking folk to meet really ancient trees in the woodlands. It's almost like they must...
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Jen Blaxall.
Nov 1, 20244 min read
Welcoming November.
Its official, the darker evenings are here, but don't head into the winter with dread, wrap up warm and embrace the fire festivals! There...
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Jen Blaxall.
Oct 29, 20244 min read
October's Newsletter
The autumn is such a wonderful time to walk in the forest, and although I have reduced the amount of walks, I am now offering them to you...
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Jen Blaxall.
Oct 28, 20244 min read
Halloween or Samhain?
Samhain (pronounced Sow-win) is a Celtic Pagan celebration, to welcome the last of the harvest and to embrace the dark half of the year....
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Jen Blaxall.
Oct 25, 20244 min read
Remember, Remember, the fear of November!
My energy healing work started with animals and they are still my greatest teachers, but I want to give you a few tips on how to reduce...
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Jen Blaxall.
Oct 22, 20243 min read
The magical apple tree
The crab apple tree (Malus Sylvestris) is our only native apple tree here in the UK. These beautifully gnarly, small trees live to about...
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Jen Blaxall.
Oct 20, 20241 min read
Energy healing is not always what you think it is??
The healing work I offer is unique with very positive results. It's not necessarily about hopping on the therapy couch and letting me get...
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Jen Blaxall.
Oct 19, 20242 min read
Seasonal soup recipe.
At this time of year I start to crave immune boosting soups with yummy seasonal vegetables, and there is one soup friends and family...
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Jen Blaxall.
Oct 18, 20242 min read
The enchanted Ytene-wood
It's been a magical couple of days in nature. I am so lucky to have such special people around me, to enjoy the beauty of the forest...
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Jen Blaxall.
Oct 15, 20242 min read
October's Hunters moon.
Do you feel the power of the full moon? I am already feeling this one. The hunters full moon will be on the 17th October. The full moon...
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Jen Blaxall.
Oct 11, 20242 min read
Are you feeling a little disjointed?
As a folk healer and nature therapist, I see patterns and synchronicities with behaviours, illnesses and wellness! Just recently, there...
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Jen Blaxall.
Oct 10, 20242 min read
Spirituality is just about animal instinct.
Any spiritual practice or healing cannot begin to happen if we don't start with connecting to our own body and I find it is quite often...
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