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Spirituality is just about animal instinct.

Writer's picture: Jen Blaxall.Jen Blaxall.

Any spiritual practice or healing cannot begin to happen if we don't start with connecting to our own body and I find it is quite often the first and simple steps that block us from doing so because of the language around spirituality. What do I mean by that?

Take mindfulness for instance. The moment you say it, most folk perceive it as a time of self care and slowing down. Its a time to step away from the technology and over stimulation and you kick off your shoes and step out into nature in a calm and tranquil way, and you will be right. But the first thing that will trip you up from an enlightened experience is the word 'mindfulness'.

When you say mindfulness to yourself, where does you attention go? With most people it goes to their head and their mind. But if I suggest to you that you are going to have a 'heart-filled experience' feel where your attention takes you now?

Most of you would say your heart space, and this is where your attention (and intention) needs to be to progress with better self-awareness and improved well-being and to retrieve our long forgotten animal intuition and instinct.

Is it that easy? Well yes, or at least it is when you take the pressure off yourself and stop carrying out the rituals and beliefs of others to connect to, quite honestly you are probably not really sure what, or even how it suppose to feel when you get there!

The first and most powerful steps are to spend some time, if only a few minutes a day, in nature, and telling yourself you are taking this time for a heart-filled experience, then quite simply observe your breath. You don't need to deep breathe at this stage and you don't want to be counting your breaths. Just breathe, just observe and just be.

Listen to the audio below for a more in-depth explanation. As a member, I will share with you in future audios how to progress on the spiritual path with ease and continue to break down the language barriers that often block a reconnect to a spiritual experience, animal instinct and intuition.

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