With "staycations" becoming more popular and keeping me busy, along with my lovely regular walkers, some question why on my day off, I want to go walking??
Sometimes it is nice to take yourself off on your own amongst nature! It's totally different experience for me not having to be responsible for others and just sink into the landscape, which is exactly what i did this morning!
With a threat of rain I headed out into the moody atmosphere and made my way up onto Acres Down, the short and normally unnoticed hill got the heart pumping this morning in the oppressive heat, but was worth it for the beautiful views and cool breeze at the top.The ponies had the same idea as they grazed the high heath facing the cooling air which carried a well loved smell of 'pony' to me when the breeze passed up both. The landscape is an intensely delicious and lush palette of greens with hazes of heather catching the top of the heath as it is starting to flower.
Heading down towards the woodland the shade was welcoming but the stillness and humidity now so! Everything was still, dense and quiet apart from the odd butterfly flitting from bramble to thistle.
Crossing the road the woodland changes from broadleaf to conifer and the stunning smell of pine resin was released into the air as the rain started to drizzle. Wanting to enjoy the cooling effect and breathe in the elements I stopped and sat on a log with my coffee and indulged in the aesthetics of the tall conifers. Only the tiniest breeze of Mother Gaia gently breathing and the only sound being the crossbills chattering high in the canopy.
My walk then took me back into ancient woodland, you can almost feel the wisdom and their stories, at this point I was on the home run and pleased to not be far from a cool shower in the clammy heat, but before getting there I had to negotiate an old beech who had sadly been struck by lightning and dropped her bough. She looks like she is hanging in there, so sent her some love as I made it home to cool off 🥵