There are women who inspire me. Including; my Mum, my Aunty, my nieces, my Stepdaughter and my sista's from another mista!! But equally, I am inspired by men, my husband, my brothers, my uncle, my nephews and my bruvva's from another muvva!! I love the fact we celebrate inspirational women, but let's have international inspirational people day!
Women do amazing things in these times that they were unable to do in my lifetime, but we live in an age (in my opinion) that is a 'woman's world.' Where people are terrified of arguing otherwise. In case they get accused of being 'sexist.' I am a woman and I have great respect for good human beings whether they are women, men or nonbinary providing they are all good, honest, inspirational, humble people, I will celebrate them. So I am declaring tomorrow (9th March) as inspirational people day. A day to celebrate the beautiful people in our lives.

I know a few of you may disagree with my opinion but hey, I am woman with an opinion and sharing the love on international women's day 💖