While walking on such a gloomy day there is still an opportunity to find colour. The bright yellow gorse flowers are a welcome sight amongst the dull, foggy morning and even though the changing colours of the trees are past their best getting up close to the remaining 'hangers on' is a thing of beauty as they hold on to the last possible colour of green before floating to the forest floor on the breeze.
The bramble leaves create flashes of red amongst the die back of bracken, to complimented the abundant berries of the holly tree stood lonely on the heath and a single purple heather was determined to flower until the very last given moment as it sheltered amongst the gorse.
The bird song has changed dramatically from the summer months apart from the song thrush giving a chorus in the trees ahead. The song is more mellow, more of a buzz of quiet conversation than the high pitch competition of the summer. A pair of great tits were mumbling to one another as the foraged for bugs in the trees and a flock of crossbills flew over busy chattering on the wing. The call of the nuthatch seems to be more dominant in the trees this time of year and as I walk though the leaf carpeted forest a small flock of bramblings were feeding amongst the leaves only being seen by their movement as they are so well camouflaged amongst the autumn palette. Have a good weekend folks 💜