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Energy healing is not always what you think it is??

Writer's picture: Jen Blaxall.Jen Blaxall.

The healing work I offer is unique with very positive results. It's not necessarily about hopping on the therapy couch and letting me get to work. Healing is so much more than that. We release fear, trauma, pain, and grief in layers, and often, all those locked up feelings have to be expressed. This is where Mother Nature steps in to support me in my work and you in your healing. Sometimes a simple walk in the woods or sitting under a tree gives space to start unlocking some of those emotions, while I hold a non-judgemental safe space, be your sounding board and allow you to process the shifts and acknowledge your progress. Supported by energy healing sessions, the healing happens faster and with ease with such profound effects.

Not sure about heading to nature? This work is fluid and adaptable. It is your journey. I just have the privilege of witnessing the space of healing, the processing, and the shedding of emotions and behaviours. Meeting for a coffee and chat will kickstart the process and allow us to decide what is the best path forward for you because there is never 'one size fits all' with healing. You are unique, and I will offer you that safe space to shine your gift you have for the world once more.

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