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Birders paradise

At Keyhaven Marshes at first light (rain!) But worth getting wet at 6.30am. The views of Hurst castle and the Isle of Wight weren't too dampened by the weather and the sea was like a mill pond

The bird song is very different from the forest, but very much abundant! The shoreline was a birders paradise with calling and wading from redshanks, sandpipers, curlews and oystercatchers with Brent geese gracefully cutting through the water.

Halfway along the path my attention is drawn to the other side of towards the saltmash where coots, widgeons, spoonbills and heron become the stars of the show and I could hear reed warblers in the beds while a flock of Canada geese flew over.

When turning off the coastal path onto the heath, the bird life changed again to woodland and heath species. Along with a delightful view of a marsh harrier and a hovering kestrel.

If you like to join me for this walk (hopefully in the sunshine 🌞) go to the events page.

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